The feeder at night
Original Name GOODCAT & GOODCAT冻干屋
Also known as GOODCAT 1 & GOODCAT 2
Watch ID



GOODCAT and GOODCAT Freeze-Dried House are feeders available in the Hello Street Cat app. About 18 cats are currently known to visit.

Additionally, the GOODCAT feeder is kibble-only, while the GOODCAT Freeze-Dried House feeder can dispense freeze-dried snacks.


20 cats have been documented at the feeder since its discovery on May 11, 2024. Some cats only visit one feeder, whilst others visit both feeders.

Cats sitting in an unproper manner (especially Itty Bitty) has been often relationed with bad omens, specially those of economic instability. In order to detect when a cat is sitting unproperly, most people use the sides of the Feeder: The middle is neutral, the left is a good omen and the right is a bad omen.

Main article: List of Cats

All Cats

Orange Cat Comparison


Feeder Anomalies

GOODCAT Relationship Chart


How to Watch


You can watch this feeder on

Official English Purrrr app:

There is also the Jiemao app, though you will need a Chinese phone number:

GOODCAT Freeze-Dried House

You can watch this feeder on

Official English Purrrr app:

There is also the Jiemao app, though you will need a Chinese phone number:

What the Feeder looks like

Feeder cams as of May 24th, 2024.