Mr. Plant is a plant that lives outside of the feeder ("Happy Canteen" (快乐大食堂)). He does the duty of bringing in fresh oxygen for the kitties, probably. Either way we still love him and his green leafy self. He was first sighted on February 4th, at 9:56 PM EST, when a curtain on the side of the feeder was opened by the wind.

Mr. Plant in his natural habitat, outside of the feeder.

On February 18th, 2024, Mr. Plant would get jumped and disappear.

Re-emergence of Mr. Plant

On March 22nd, 2024, we would finally receive vital confirmation that Mr. Plant was in fact still alive, and still providing necessary fresh oxygen for our cats. At around 7:50 AM (Local Feeder Time), with a targeted and concentrated strike from Mr. Wind, the left covering of the feeder was blown open, revealing our beloved plant in all of his greenness.

Without knowledge of his whereabouts or condition this whole time, we can only hope that he continues to thrive. Increased surveillance of Mr. Plant must be put into action, lest we allow him to be jumped once again.

Mr. Plant once again thriving in his natural habitat, on March 22nd, 2024