
Joined 9 months ago
user pegaegae
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m (user pegaegae)
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{{CatInfobox|name=mimaymamomo :3|image=Dress cat sleeping.png|caption=honk mimimi... honk mimimi...|other_names=they call me momii on the streets|breed=silly (human) :3|coat=?skin|sex=fememememale :3 (she/they)|rarity=i am everywhere|occupation=cat enthusiast|appearance=wretched, greasy, full of bacteria|personality=silly :3|first_sighting=november 25 (birtday!)|children=[[Snowdrop]], [[Ms. Emo]], [[Mrs. Dress]], [[Dr. House]], [[Ms. Loop]]}}
{{CatInfobox|name=mimaymamomo :3|image=Dress cat sleeping.png|caption=honk mimimi... honk mimimi...|other_names=they call me momii on the streets|breed=silly (human) :3|coat=?skin|sex=fememememale :3 (she/they)|rarity=i am everywhere|occupation=cat enthusiast|appearance=wretched, greasy, full of bacteria|personality=silly :3|first_sighting=november 25 (birtday!)|children=[[Ms. Emo]], [[Mrs. Dress]], [[Snowdrop]], [[Dr. House]], [[Ms. Loop]]}}

hi hi hi! im momii! i'm a small time editor around these parts :3 idr have a favorite feeder, they are all wonderful in their own ways <3
hi hi hi! im momii! i'm a small time editor around these parts :3 idr have a favorite feeder, they are all wonderful in their own ways <3
