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Out of the 30+ cats at [[Huanzi Animal Rescue Base]], there is only one Calico, who is a new arrival.
[[Dudu]] has been a social media ambassador for [[Team BingBing Helps Stray Cats Find Their Forever Home|Team Bingbing]] since 2023!
[[Dame Knight]]'s two kittens, Lance and Dan, are named after Knights of the Round Table.
[[Fat Toad]] is actually on a weight-loss journey! He has lost a considerable amount of weight since arriving to the [[Team BingBing Helps Stray Cats Find Their Forever Home|BingBing]] compound, although he is still quite large.  
[[Warm Home Pet Sales Department]] houses 2 cats who are missing a leg and even a 2-legged dog.
[[Team BingBing Helps Stray Cats Find Their Forever Home|Team BingBing]] has two Social Media Ambassadors! [[Dudu]] and Mr. Gretchen (Baozi), who hangs around the office and front desk, acting like, in the words of a BingBing caretaker, a greasy uncle.  
[[Mr. Joestar]], [[Mr. Dio]], and [[Mr. Bruno]] are all cats named after the [[wikipedia:JoJo's Bizzare Adventure|JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]] series.
[[The Rascals]]
[[Fried Rice Brother]]
[[Ms. Weed]]
[[Mr. Chococake]]
[[The Titans]]
[[Monsieur Sommelier]]
[[Mr. Cry]]
[[Fried Rice Brother]]
[[Mama Bear]] hadn't been seen since May, however, within this week she returned to eat kibble nervously.
[[Ms. Lag]]
Both [[Big Boss]]'s and [[Brother Demetrius]]'s feeders are in the same district but are too far apart for them to meet.
[[Brother Loaf]]
[[Mr. Piss]]
[[Mr. Paw]]
[[Mr. Eclair]]
[[Ms. Meow]]
[[Ms. Milk]]
[[Brother Calm]]
[[Ms. Onion Ring]]
[[Mr. Wishbone]]
[[Ms. Honk]]
[[Orange Stomatitis]]
[[Ms. Beetle]]
[[Mr. Round]]
[[Mr. Chaperone]]
[[The Log]]
[[Ms. Poppy]]
[[Brother Demetrius]]
[[Mr. Battlescar]]
[[Ms. Halloween]]
[[Mr. Virtue]]
[[Mr. Plump]]
[[Ms. Croissant]]
[[Mr. Happy]]
[[Macaroni and Cheese Soup]]
[[Mr. One]]
[[Big Boss]]
[[Ms. Onion Ring]]
[[Little Nommer]]
[[Mrs. Island]]
[[Mr. Champion]]
[[Ms. Friend]]
[[Ms. Lag]]
[[Mrs. Kirby]]
[[Mr. Shit]]
[[Mr. Bald]]
[[The Suit]]
[[Mr. Unibrow]]
[[Mr. Business]]
[[Ms. Paint]]
[[Mrs. Kind]]
[[Young Timer]]
[[Mr. Domino]]  
[[Mr. Mob]]
[[Dr. Smudge]]
[[Mx. Midnight]]
[[Mr. Cheeks]]
[[Ms. Note]]
[[Mr. Edo]]
[[Big Boss]]

Add new to the bottom of the list. Every day, grab the top 2/3 trivia and add it to the template, then remove them from here.
Add new to the bottom of the list. Every day, grab the top 2/3 trivia and add it to the template, then remove them from here.
