Mr. Sus: Difference between revisions

992 bytes added ,  1 December 2024
put the Mr. Sus images back (theyve been gone for a while. WHO TOOK THE SUS PICS AWAY)
m (put the Mr. Sus images back (theyve been gone for a while. WHO TOOK THE SUS PICS AWAY))
Line 66: Line 66:

== Gallery ==
== Gallery ==
File:MrSusBack.png|Mr. Sus's back, where his darker patterns and faint white markings can be seen.
File:MrSusHead.png|Mr. Sus's head, front-facing.
File:MrSusProfile.png|Mr. Sus's profile as he exits the feeder.
File:MrSusExit.png|Mr. Sus exiting the feeder showing more of his pattern.
File:Screenshot 2024-03-14 050202.png|Mr. Sus preparing to smack the nonexistent life of the kibble
File:MrSusFightBug.gif|Mr Sus' attempt at pest control at the feeder (partial success)
File:Sus Spot of Sus.png|Black spot on Mr. Sus tail, different angle showed it to be possibly swollen.
File:Friends!.jpg|Mr. Sus with [[Mr. Beef]]
File:Sus loop.png|Mr. Sus suspiciously waits for [[Ms. Loop]] to finish her meal while he was waiting out the rain.
File:Sus jump.gif|Mr. Sus jumped onto the top of the feeder.
File:Sus jump 2.gif|Mr. Sus jumped onto the top of the feeder. (again)
File:Loop sus 2.jpg|Mr. Sus watching Ms. Loop eating.
File:Mr. Sus Sleeping.png|Mr. Sus seen sleeping
