Uploads by Zorevelyn

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
02:08, 10 March 2024 Mr.Butter-emergency-button.png (file) 446 KB Mr. Butter and Mr. Island's reaction to some type of object or animal being thrown at the feeder triggering the emergency button. 1
18:42, 10 March 2024 YouZi's Animal Canteen feeder photos.jpg (file) 330 KB Front, top, and side view of Youzi's Animal Canteen 1
22:48, 10 March 2024 Mr.Virtues-Heart-Butt.jpg (file) 56 KB Mr. Virtue's distinctive marking on his rear of a black spot resembling a heart. 1
21:13, 11 March 2024 John-munching.gif (file) 2.77 MB One of John's most recognizable gifs of him eating! 1
21:24, 11 March 2024 John-and-brother.webp (file) 433 KB John and his brother at the feeder 1
21:49, 11 March 2024 John-face.jpg (file) 122 KB John's face displaying his unique markings 1
00:19, 12 March 2024 Orange Cat Daycare feeder photos.jpg (file) 334 KB Front, top, and back view of Orange Cat Daycare feeder. 1
00:25, 12 March 2024 Mr-Scam-Patience.webp (file) 546 KB Mr. Scam practices the ways of Brother Calm. Maybe this is character development... 1
01:17, 12 March 2024 Peeker-back.png (file) 90 KB Solo image of Ms. Peeker's back without Mr. Star. 1
21:31, 12 March 2024 Ms. Peeker-stare.webp (file) 39 KB Ms. Peeker focuses on the soon to be monched and cronched kibbles 1
21:41, 12 March 2024 John-back.webp (file) 34 KB John's back 1
21:42, 12 March 2024 John-side.webp (file) 42 KB John's side 1
23:14, 15 March 2024 Doe-face.webp (file) 115 KB Doe's (John's brother) face 1
23:52, 15 March 2024 Doe-Back.webp (file) 73 KB Doe's Back 1
23:55, 15 March 2024 Doe-face2.webp (file) 91 KB Doe's face showing his eyecolour 1
00:50, 16 March 2024 Spider-face2.webp (file) 296 KB Mr. Spider's face after his attempt to eat air out of an empty feeder (mmm yummy) 1
01:27, 16 March 2024 MrSpider-back.webp (file) 397 KB Mr. Spider's back 1
01:30, 16 March 2024 MrSpider-eyeing-kibble.webp (file) 418 KB Mr. Spider sees kibble, he suddenly becomes springy in his steps 1
01:42, 16 March 2024 MrHuh-first-record.webp (file) 4 KB Mr. Huh's first sighting, this is where he got his name because he looks like he is saying "Huh" 1
18:59, 16 March 2024 Lucifer-stare.webp (file) 267 KB Mr. Lucifer's thousand kibble stare 1
05:32, 17 March 2024 MrOtter-back.webp (file) 150 KB Mr. Otter's back 1
05:34, 17 March 2024 MrOtter-blep.jpg (file) 77 KB Mr. Otter bleps 1
05:36, 17 March 2024 MrOtter-round.webp (file) 112 KB Mr. Otter being round 1
05:37, 17 March 2024 MrOtter-no-thoughts.webp (file) 59 KB Mr. Otter having no thoughts 1
05:55, 17 March 2024 MrHuh-back.webp (file) 299 KB Mr. Huh's back 1
05:56, 17 March 2024 MrHuh-side.webp (file) 492 KB Mr. Huh's side 1
05:57, 17 March 2024 MrHuh-kibble.webp (file) 174 KB Mr. Huh stares at the raining kibble 1
06:27, 17 March 2024 MrStar-imitates-Mreyes.webp (file) 377 KB Mr. Star imitates Mr. Eyes 1
23:19, 18 March 2024 Youzis-sunrise.webp (file) 247 KB Beautiful sunrise at YouZi's 1
01:39, 23 March 2024 Smoky-feeder-translation.jpg (file) 17 KB Smoky feeder's note 1
02:44, 23 March 2024 John-gets-turned-into-bowl.gif (file) 6.52 MB John gets turned into a bowl 1
02:54, 23 March 2024 Squig.jpg (file) 47 KB Squig 1
03:22, 23 March 2024 Squig-back.jpg (file) 75 KB Squig's back 1
03:24, 23 March 2024 Squig-side.webp (file) 306 KB Squig's side 1
03:25, 23 March 2024 Squig-bent-ear.webp (file) 269 KB Squig's bent right ear. 1
22:04, 3 April 2024 MrScam-loaf.webp (file) 336 KB Mr. Scam loafs 1
00:48, 16 April 2024 Scam-mimimi.webp (file) 41 KB Mr. Scam collapses with eepiness and starts to mimimimimi 1
23:09, 18 April 2024 Mspeeker-airplane-ears.jpg (file) 180 KB Ms. Peeker and her airplane ears 1
23:19, 18 April 2024 MrLucifer-leggings.jpg (file) 75 KB Mr. Lucifer's leggings 1
23:23, 18 April 2024 MrLucifer-matrix.jpg (file) 185 KB Mr. Lucifer enters the matrix 1
00:17, 19 April 2024 MrLucifer-rain-of-kibbles.jpg (file) 151 KB Mr. Lucifer enveloped by a rain of kibbles. He is blessed among gods. 1
03:16, 20 April 2024 MrSmoky-depressed.webp (file) 342 KB Mr. Smoky depressed that there is no kibbles 1
03:20, 20 April 2024 MrSmoky-back.webp (file) 451 KB Mr. Smoky's back 1
03:21, 20 April 2024 MrSmoky-and-Ms.Wisp.webp (file) 290 KB Mr. Smoky attempting to explode Ms. Wisp with his mind 1
20:37, 20 April 2024 Snail-party.jpg (file) 55 KB A snail party at Mr. Gunk's feeder 1
19:10, 21 April 2024 2qER7w7.webp (file) 132 KB Zoot absolutely zooted out 1
19:24, 21 April 2024 Dagadf.webp (file) 227 KB Doe being fierce 1
19:48, 21 April 2024 Zoot-face.webp (file) 29 KB Zoot stares into your soul 1
19:52, 21 April 2024 Zoot-back.webp (file) 328 KB Zoot's back 1
00:35, 28 April 2024 Chococake-back.jpg (file) 104 KB Mr. Chococake's back 1
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