Gagaxuan Canteen: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{FeederInfobox|name_en=Name in English|image=Temp Image.png|caption=Temp|name_zh=Chinese Name|watch_id=Feeder ID}} '''English Name(Chinese Name)''' Give some info here about the feeder and what the ID is. Some feeders have a connection of feeders, if you can, please add them to this upper portion (linked to other pages) == Cats == This should include the cats that have been un/documented == How to Watch == {{HowToWatch1|Feeder ID}} == What the Feeder looks like == <g...")
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{{FeederInfobox|name_en=Name in English|image=Temp Image.png|caption=Temp|name_zh=Chinese Name|watch_id=Feeder ID}}
{{FeederInfobox|name_en=Gagaxuan Canteen|image=Toast lounge.png|caption=Ms. Toast, a (formerly) common visitor of the feeder.|other_names=Quaky Grand Diner, The Breakfast Feeder
'''English Name(Chinese Name)''' Give some info here about the feeder and what the ID is. Some feeders have a connection of feeders, if you can, please add them to this upper portion (linked to other pages)
Uncle Spike's Nursing Home|name_zh=(18只猫)嘎嘎炫大食堂, 嘎嘎炫小食堂, 猫大爷养老所|watch_id=4220724560476970102, 4148660163166293185,}}
'''(18 cats) Gagaxuan Canteen ((18只猫)嘎嘎炫大食堂)''', '''Gagaxuan Small Canteen (嘎嘎炫小食堂)''' and '''Cat Grandpa Nursing Home (猫大爷养老所)''' are three feeders owned by the same caretaker. Cat Grandpa Nursing Home used to go by the name Gagaxuan Small Canteen, but due to a lack of any visitors besides the old [[Uncle Spike]], the caretaker renamed it to fit the usual happening at the feeder, being Uncle Spike enjoying his cat retirement at the feeder.
(18 cats) Gagaxuan Canteen is a kibble only feeder with a water dispenser and is decorated with stickers, catnip balls, and a windbreaker tarp on one side. It appears to be located in a park. The feeder's main visitor was Ms. Toast for a while, but since a TNR notice on 4/10/2024, where she was captured and spayed, there has been a large increase of other visitors.
Gagaxuan Small Canteen is a kibble only feeder which currently has no decoration, with a rest area set up behind it. The caretaker wanted to prevent cats from sleeping inside the feeder and deterring other cats, which is why they built the area behind it. It was set up so the former visitors of Cat Grandpa Nursing Home would have a new feeder to visit.
[[File:Ggsc nest.jpg|thumb|225x225px|The rest area set up outside of Gagaxuan Small Canteen.]]
Cat Grandpa Nursing Home is a smaller, kibble only feeder decorated with stickers and a catnip ball, much like Gagaxuan Canteen. It also has a pillow for cats to sleep on. It appears to be located near a house, and the caretaker often visits to leave chicken for the feeder's most common visitor, [[Uncle Spike]].

== Cats ==
== Cats ==
This should include the cats that have been un/documented
18 cats visit this feeder, but not all have been documented in the English community. When the feeder was first found, [[Ms. Toast]] was the only visitor at the feeder. However, the feeder had been moved in the past, with a large amount of regulars. After her TNR capture, these regulars began showing up again.
{{Main|List_of_Other_Cats#Gagaxuan_Canteen_Cats_(Ms._Toast's_Feeder)|List of Other Cats}}
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
'''All Cats (Original Feeder)'''
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<gallery mode="packed">
File:Sir toast number 1.jpg|alt=|[[Ms. Toast]]
File:Biscoff face.png|[[Mr. Biscoff]]
File:Cinnamonlook.jpg|[[Ms. Cinnamon|Ms. Nutella]]
File:Creamcheese staring at you.png|[[Ms. Cream Cheese]]
File:Granolaface.jpeg|[[Mr. Granola|Ms. Granola]]
File:Ic face.png|[[Ms. Iced Coffee]]
File:Pisser side eye.png|[[Mr. Idiot]]
File:Milkface.png|[[Mrs. Eggnog]]
File:Mochaface.jpg|[[Mr. Cappuccino]]
File:Yogurt-front2.png|[[Mr. Yogurt]]
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
'''All Cats (Second Feeder)'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<gallery mode="packed">
To be updated
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'''All Cats (Cat Grandpa Nursing Home)'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<gallery mode="packed">
File:UncleSpike.jpg|[[Uncle Spike]]
</gallery>A few other cats do visit CGNH, but it is extremely rare.

== How to Watch ==
== How to Watch ==
{{HowToWatch1|Feeder ID}}

== What the Feeder looks like ==
==== Gagaxuan Canteen: ====
<gallery mode="packed" caption="'''Date of Cams (click to see higher quality)'''">
File:Temp Image.png|alt=Front view
File:Temp Image.png|alt=Top view
'''Gagaxuan Small Canteen:'''
File:Temp Image.png|alt=Back view
==== Cat Grandpa Nursing Home: ====
== What the Feeders look like ==
<gallery mode="packed" caption="'''Gagaxuan Canteen'''
'''April 12, 2024 (click to see higher quality)'''
File:Gagaxuan front.png|alt=Front View
File:Gagaxuan top.png|alt=Top View
File:Gagaxuan back.png|alt=Back View
<gallery mode="packed" caption="'''Gagaxuan Small Canteen'''
'''November 9, 2024 (click to see higher quality)'''
File:Ggcsfront.png|alt=Front View
File:Ggcsabove.png|alt=Top View
File:Ggcsback.png|alt=Back View
<gallery mode="packed" caption="'''Cat Grandpa Nursing Home'''
'''November 9, 2024 (click to see higher quality)'''
File:Spikecfront.png|alt=Front View
File:Spikectop.png|alt=Top View
File:Spikecback.png|alt=Back View
