The SanWei Bookstore's Kitty Canteen

Revision as of 21:19, 6 March 2024 by Vertvalerie (talk | contribs)

The SanWei Bookstore's Kitty Canteen (三味书屋猫猫食堂) is a feeder on the Hello Street Cat app.


The origin of the name is from a saying by ancient Chinese scholars in regards to their opinion towards reading books. A direct translation would be "Three Tastes", but terms of meaning it would be;

"To read the Four Books and Five Classics is as if you're eating the rice or the noodles of the meal, they are the central to the experience; To read the Records of the Grand Historian is as if you're sipping the delicate wine or eating the most expensive dish of the meal; To read the Hundred Schools of Thought is as if you're tasting the soy sauce or the vinegar, as in the seasoning of the meal"

The SanWei Bookstore is where the famous Chinese author Lu Xun (周樹人) studied at when he was in his teens.[1]

How to Watch

You can watch this feeder on

There is also the Jiemao app, though you will need a Chinese phone number:

An English version called Purrrr is also on the App Store:

An Android version of Purrrr is coming soon.