Mr. Worm
Mr. Worm is an earthworm first spotted climbing Mt. Kibble at the Happy Canteen feeder on the 20th of March, 2024. Initially it was thought that they had climbed into the feeder, but upon closer inspection, they actually fell from the feeder's dispenser with a donation.
Mr. Worm is an average earthworm. Considering they got into the feeder's dispenser, they must be quite food motivated and possibly even intelligent.
Mr. Worm is very small and thin, only about the length of a piece of kibble. Their epidermis is pale pink and translucent, allowing one to see their digestive tract.
- March 20th, 2024: At around 10:00 PM, local feeder time, Mr. Worm was first spotted, wriggling amongst the kibble. They were visible up until about 10:10 PM, where by then multiple donations had been made to the feeder, adding to the kibble pile and putting their safety into question.
- March 21st, 2024: In the early hours of the morning, Mr. Worm's safety was confirmed as they, along with one of their siblings, was spotted wriggling around the bowl. The two of them could occasionally be seen over the span of several hours. Unfortunately, at 4:55 AM (local feeder time), disaster struck when Mr. Beef entered the feeder in search of a snack. Shortly after his arrival, Mr. Beef paused eating. He was then observed turning his head towards Mr. Worm's location and taking a bite. It is unknown whether Mr. Worm survived this incident, however at 5:00 AM (local feeder time), a worm was observed emerging from the kibble in the exact same spot that Mr. Worm disappeared, leading to the belief that the incident was faked.
An unobstructed view of Mr. Worm. Spot them at the bottom left, on a piece of kibble.
Mr. Worm's interesting introduction.
Just worming around.
Mr. Worm (bottom left) and their sibling (bottom right).