Mr. Garbage

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Mr. Garbage about to touch the Kibble with his filthy legs.

Mr. Garbage is a regular fly that appears around the cathouse, causing trouble wherever he goes. He's one of the main antagonist as every time he shows up, things get messy.

He loves to land on the Kibble and make it all gross with his germs and bacteria.

Mr. Garbage has been shown to make copies of himself (somehow). Making him able to be on different places at once, there's always a whole bunch of them flying around.

For this same reason he's able to be seen in all cameras, althought his apparitions are quite rare, and even when sighted, Mr. Garbage is often a blurry image due to his possession of super speed, making it impossible to capture clear pictures of him.

Mr. Garbage landing on the food (now it's all nasty, ew!).
Mr. Garbage once again about to contaminate the food (in a different camera, showing his incredible ability to be in different places at once).

He's not really a danger to the cats or the food in the cathouse, but he sure is annoying. Trying to keep everything clean with Mr. Garbage around is like fighting a losing battle.

Mr. Garbage showing his cloning powers on camera.

Mr. Garbage tends to appear more in feeders without any cats on them, perhaps indicating that despite being an antagonist, he understands the power dynamics within the cathouse. This is especially evident when considering formidable cats like Mr. Brawl or Mr. Beef, who could potentially rival his abilities. This also showcases Mr. Garbage's intelligence as he recognizes his limitations and opts to avoid confrontations with any cats when possible.

Potential Threats

Flies landing on cat food can pose a potential risk to the health of the cat.

Flies can carry several bacteria, parasites, and pathogens on their bodies or in their digestive systems, which they can transfer to the food when they come into contact with it, these hazards can potentially cause gastrointestinal issues or transmit diseases to the cats if ingested.