Mount Kibble

Revision as of 14:23, 2 February 2024 by Skyrina (talk | contribs) (add link to kibble page)


Mount Kibble as of February 2, 2024, 9:40 UTC

Mount Kibble (often shortened to Mt. Kibble) is a pile of kibble blocking the camera at Mr. Fresh's feeder. It is considered the main villain. Its main enemy is Ms. Kibble.

Mount Snack

Mount Snack is an alleged entity similar to Mount Kibble, but made of snacks instead. Mount Snack was first mentioned on 2 February, 2024, when Mount Kibble became so massive it covered the camera and one slope of Mount Kibble was covered in snacks. It's possible Mount Snack is just a part of Mount Kibble and not its own entity.