Little Wanderer’s Paradise

Revision as of 07:06, 1 April 2024 by Emmerino (talk | contribs) (Created page for the feeder Little Wanderer’s Paradise, home of Mr. Jeff)
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Little Wanderer’s Paradise

Original Name 小流浪的世外桃源
Watch ID 4585209333836312716
Little Wanderer’s Paradise(小流浪的世外桃源) is a feeder on the Hello Street Cat app.  It is undecorated but covered by a dark pink quilt that appears black at night. 


The feeder is most notable for Mr. Jeff and his presumed brother Mr. Anomaly, and it is also home to the very dashing Mr. Bleptastic.

How to Watch

You can watch the streams manually by playing it on VLC Media Player.

You can also watch the stream on

There is also the Hello Street Cat app, though you will need a Chinese phone number.

What the Feeder looks like