Little Scraggly Guy
Little Scraggly Guy (LSG) is a small stray cat that looks sick or hurt. He looks rougher than most cats on the streams, which is why he got a special name without a Mr. or Ms. in front of it.
Little Scraggly Guy exhibits behaviors that are quite distinct among the other cats observed. Notably, he often adopts a relaxed, loaf-like posture and shows selective eating habits. Unlike other cats who may eat whatever is in the feeder, LSG has shown a marked preference for fresh chicken. This specific dietary choice echoes that of another cat known as Mr. Fresh. He is also brave and doesn't show any concern or hostility to other cats.
On his first sighting, LSG was observed spending an extended period, approximately ten minutes, sitting in the feeder without eating. This behavior, coupled with his overall appearance, has led to concerns about his health among the observing community, who express hopes for his recovery.
Another observable aspect of LSG's behavior is the sound of his breathing, picked up by the camera's microphones. This could be indicative of a respiratory issue. In cats, such problems can impair their sense of smell, typically leading to a decreased appetite. Symptoms that often accompany this include tiredness and sneezing. However, it appears that there has been an improvement in this condition recently.
He tends to shelter from the cold every night, and eats fresh chicken during these times. He seems to have some difficulty eating, either because the food is too big for him or other unknown dental issues. However, it should be noted that this is just one theory, and there could be many other reasons for this behavior. Additionally, LSG appears small, which indicates that he is young. Young cats usually don't have dental issues, so this might suggest alternative causes for his eating habits.
Normally has a dirty-like appearance, and when looking from above he has a cow-like appearance. He is notable for having a soggy tail, looking scraggly and a messy face. It's worth noting that unkempt fur and general poor condition often suggest fleas, ticks, worms, or other parasites. These can lead to other health problems.
His first sighting was on the 12th of February 2024 around 08:00 UTC, where he sat without eating for 10 minutes before leaving, a second time at 10:40 UTC, where he once more sat without eating anything, a third time at 14:25 UTC, about 7 hours after the first sighting, where he finally ate the kibble and snacks, a fourth time at 15:45 UTC, initially loafing without eating any snacks, however began eating after snacks were dispensed, afterward started sitting once more, and a fifth time at 00:11 UTC+08 just loafing for around an hour. A sixth time at 19:26 UTC, mostly loafing around for 7 minutes before eating for a while more. On February 13th he was sighted at 17:15 UTC, taking shelter from the cold for 30 minutes. He left and then came back again to eat some fresh chicken treats.
LSG from above
LSG's face
LSG full body
LSG with an orange friend.
LSG, watching Mr. Hedgehog closely