
MR SNEEZE Lowintel (talk) 19:28, 5 March 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]

I love Mr. Sneeze <3

If Mr. Sneeze thinks, I agree.

If Mr. Sneeze speaks, I listen.

If Mr. Sneeze succeeds, I’m happy.

If Mr. Sneeze fails, I'm sad.

If the world is against Mr. Sneeze, I take on the world.

If the world is with Mr. Sneeze, I am with the world.

If Mr. Sneeze has 8 billion fans, I am his number 1 fan.

If Mr. Sneeze has no fans, it’s because I no longer exist.

I love Mr. Sneeze. Crystal (talk) 13:19, 3 May 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]



<3 FATEOFTHESTARS (talk) 19:07, 3 May 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Who is Mr. Sneeze?

In math.. My solution

In history.. My king

In art.. My inspiration

In science.. My serotonin

In geography.. My world (talk) 05:33, 4 May 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Mr. Sneeze seems depressed

He looks really sad and spaces out a lot, I hope he’s ok (talk) 12:28, 4 May 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Mr. Sneeze is love, Mr. Sneeze is life

I just got yelled at by my mon. I'm really sad and started crying but then I check Lucky 7-Eleven II and saw Mr. Sneeze. I immediately got happier just at the sight of him, I know that Mr. Sneeze wouldn't want to see me sad. I want to make Mr. Sneeze happy.

Mr. Sneeze is love, Mr. Sneeze is life. (talk) 11:07, 5 May 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Oh Mr Sneeze... where do I even begin?

hmm, seems the script has flew yet again, that sucks Kib wuz here (talk) 13:20, 5 May 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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