Ms. Dale

Ms. Dale relaxing while the Caretaker takes a picture
Other name(s) Joy (喜乐)
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Coat Red (orange) Tabby
Sex Confirmed Female
Rarity Uncommon
Appearance Mainly orange with a slight tail stub
Eye Color Green
Personality Sleepy
First known sighting May 31, 2024, 8:47 PM (LFT)
Parents Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Partner Unknown
Children Unknown
Other Unknown

Ms. Dale is an orange cat that visits the Warm Home Cat Sales Department. She has been at the adoption center since April 2024. She was named on July 10, 2024, and was originally thought to be male, hence the masculine name.


Ms. Dale scoops food out of the feeder to eat (GIF)

Ms. Dale is very frequently seen sleeping or loafing in the feeder. She has a very odd way of eating, as she will scoop the food out of the bowl using her paws and eat it off the floor instead. She does not seem to like cats getting too close and will hiss at them.


Ms. Dale is almost all orange apart from a small patch of white in the center of her back. Her tail is shorter than usual and seems to be white at the edge. Her nose is pink but is black around the edge.

Ms. Dale seen from top view


May 2024

  • May 31, 2024: At 8:47 PM (LFT), Ms. Dale was seen loafing in the feeder.

June 2024

  • June 1, 2024: At 2:29 AM (LFT), Ms. Dale was eating from the feeder. Strangely, she stayed a distance away from the food bowl and used her paws to take the food out to eat it. She ate this way for the entire sighting.
  • June 30, 2024: At 3:11 PM (LFT), Ms. Dale was sleeping in the feeder.

July 2024

  • July 1, 2024: At 2:50 PM (LFT), Ms. Dale was at the feeder.
  • July 2, 2024: At 5:03 PM (LFT), Ms. Dale was sleeping in the feeder.
  • July 3, 2024: At 11:23 PM (LFT), Ms. Dale again scooped food from the feeder using her paws in order to eat it.
  • July 5, 2024: At 7:02 AM (LFT), Ms. Dale loafed in the feeder.
  • July 6, 2024:
    • At 1:46 AM (LFT), Ms. Dale was curled up in the feeder. On the floor nearby, Mr. Edible was also relaxing.
    • At 10:53 AM (LFT), Ms. Dale was again curled up in the feeder with Mr. Edible close by. She was woken up by chicken being dispensed into the feeder. A tortoiseshell cat approached to eat it, to which Ms. Dale responded by hissing at them.
  • July 7, 2024: At 8:44 AM (LFT), Ms. Dale was rolling across the floor, possibly due to catnip being spread across it. Pot Lid watched as he was curled up close by. After she was satisfied, she sat to watch Mr. Edible being bullied by a brown cat across the room.
  • July 10, 2024: At 10:36 AM (LFT), Ms. Dale was sleeping in the feeder. She must have been very sleepy, as she slept there until around 12:50 PM.
