Ms. Sad

Revision as of 23:31, 4 February 2024 by (talk) (person who made this entry said they didn’t actually sex the cat, is so since the only evidence we have is his tricolor coat i’ll put that his sex is female since tricolor cats are usually female but sometimes intersex male. if someone finds evidence of him being male (genitalia) then the entry can be changed)
Mr. Sad
Other name(s)

Mr. Spot

Mista White
Breed Calico
Coat Mostly white with orange and black patches
Sex Female
Rarity Rare
Occupation Pouting
Appearance Beady black eyes, dark nose and distinct pattern on his back
Personality Sad
First known sighting February 2nd, 2024
Parents Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Partner Unknown
Children Unknown
Other Unknown

Mr. Sad has only been captured on camera once, making it hard to describe him in detail.

Mr. Sad looking back unenthusiastically at the camera
Mr. Sad consuming kibble


There has not been enough visits from Mr. Sad to document his behavior other than being very skittish, slow and overall sad looking.


Mr. Sad has a very unique look with his seemingly all-black eyes, an an unusually dark nose and a pattern of orange and black patches on his back


Mr. Sad was only seen one time on February 2nd, 2024