The Fizz Family
The Fizz Family is a collection of white cats that frequent the Cuties Longing feeder. All are presumed siblings due to the rareness of completely white cats, and their friendliness towards each other. There are 4 members so far, Mr. Mindful, Sister Foam, and Ms. Froth. Each of them, while looking similar, have their own defining traits.

Mr. Mindful is recognizable in size alone. Sister Foam has a black dot on her lip, and squinty eyes. Ms. Froth has an incredible mane, impeccable eyeliner, and a blocky muzzle. Ms. Four, named because she was the fourth white cat found, is the final sibling. She looks incredibly similar to every single one of her siblings. A way to tell her apart is to just think of the most basic white cat ever and see if she matches your thought. She's pure white, with fluffy cheeks that aren't too big, and giant hopeful eyes.
Allies and Enemies
Mx. BarbieQ is a friend of Ms. Froth, and Sister Foam. Though they are intimidated by Mr. Mindful, likely due to his size.
The Cooked Couple, consisting of Bread Boy and Ms. Char are neither friend nor foe to The Fizz Family. They are somewhat friendly to all members, they will not fight or hiss but rather attempt to ignore. Though if any Fizz Family members approach them Ms. Char is not above swiping at them.
Rectangle Lad is not exactly violent; yet he seems to have a knack for scaring cats from the feeder. Sister Foam seems to not mind his horrifying, large appearance; however Mr. Mindful harbors intense hatred towards the large Rectangle Lad. This puts him on complicated terms with The Fizz Family.