Sister Foam
Sister Foam is a white cat that attends The Cuties' Longing feeder. Her defining features are her mole on her right lip, and her constant judging of anything and everything. Sister Foam has no preference towards either kibble or snacks, she just cares about getting her belly full.
Sister Foam is one of four cats in The Fizz Family.
Sister Foam is incredibly judgy. She will squint her eyes at anything and stare into its soul. When kibble is dispensed she will take her time snaking on it, eventually becoming full or disinterested and will then proceed to fall asleep. Despite her judginess she is still timid, she will pause her eating to glance to her sides whenever a noise is heard. Sister Foam does not care about her family, as she smacked Mr. Mindful one day when he appeared for kibble. Sister Foam is incredibly greedy.
Sister Foam is a white shorthaired cat with a tiny black dot on her right lip. She is lanky and small with her fur thin in places like her ears and lower lip, giving them a light pink coloring.
November 2024
- November 20th, 2024: At 06:01 AM (LFT) Sister Foam was spotted for the first time, staring into the darkness with her squinty eyes.
- November 21st, 2024: At 06:48 AM (LFT) Sister foam entered the feeder and began snacking, while eating she would glance around anxiously. At 06:52 she would judge the camera harshly before leaving the feeder at the appearance of Ms. Char.
February 2025
- February 15th, 2025: 3:06 AM (LFT) Sister Foam was sleeping in the feeder when kibble was dispensed. Mr. Mindful ran up, expecting to get some kibble but Sister Foam smacked him and scared him off.
- February 21st, 2025: 6:20 AM (LFT) Sister Foam was spotted sleeping in the feeder.
March 2025
- March 10th, 2025: 8:24 PM (LFT) Sister Foam was loafing in the feeder, showing no interest in the kibble. She left shortly afterwards.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Foam imitating Mr. Mindful by meditating intensely.
Sister Foam crunching on some kibble.