Mr. Plant

Revision as of 03:20, 5 February 2024 by Adristel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|Mr. Plant in his natural habitat, outside of the feeder. Mr. Plant is a plant that lives outside of the feeder. He does the duty of bringing in fresh oxygen for the kitties, probably. Either way we still love him and his green leafy self. He was first sighted on February 4th, at 9:56PM EST, when a curtain on the side of the feeder was opened by the wind.")
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Mr. Plant is a plant that lives outside of the feeder. He does the duty of bringing in fresh oxygen for the kitties, probably. Either way we still love him and his green leafy self. He was first sighted on February 4th, at 9:56PM EST, when a curtain on the side of the feeder was opened by the wind.

Mr. Plant in his natural habitat, outside of the feeder.