Mount Kibble

Revision as of 03:46, 7 March 2024 by (talk) (Fixed date error)


Mount Kibble as of February 2, 2024, 9:40 UTC

Mount Kibble (often shortened to Mt. Kibble) is a pile of kibble blocking the camera at The Dispenser. It is considered the main villain. Its main enemy is Ms. Kibble, who once ate 50% of it. Usually Mount Kibble is accompanied by a Mount Snack, sometimes even forming a Mount Snibble.


Mount Kibble rose in size as Street Cat streams gained popularity after numerous pictures and GIFs of Mr. Fresh and Mr. Shock were shared in many places over the web. As more people started donating money, more kibble was dispensed, and the cats could not keep up with eating it.

Mount Kibble Time Records

31st Jan - 4th Feb 2024

The latest Mount Kibble was started on 31st January 2024 at around 9 PM IST. It has made the cats only eat the treats and the kibble in front. The kibble supporting Mount Kibble has probably gone stale and hence when Ms. Kibble arrived on 3rd February 2024 she did not show any interest in Mount Kibble despite her past actions.

As of 4th February 2024, Mount Kibble still stands. At 8:30AM IST Ms. Kibble was again sighted not eating Mount Kibble but only the freeze-dried snacks and kibble in front of Mount Kibble.

4th February 2024, 18:48 IST, the great 4 day old Mount Kibble has fallen. A hand appeared out of no where and started cleaning out the feeder area in view of the Chinese New Year. After cleaning the surroundings, the hand disappeared and came back with a bowl and a scooper, the hand worked hard and got rid of all of Mount Kibble. The cats and viewers both will be happy now that the great behemoth has finally fallen. We do not know for how long its gone but we can only hope that this record time shall never be broken for it only causes kibble wastage and kitten sorrow. At it's peak, Mt. Kibble took up 75.39% of the camera, or at a 720x410 resolution it took up 222553 sq pixels out of the available 295200. The celebration was brief, however, as Mt. Kibble returned quite quickly, perhaps quicker than ever and by later that day it dominated the stream's viewing area yet again. It seems that Mt. Kibble will always be an endless threat to the stream and community as its immense popularity causes an oversaturation of snack donations and an unsustainable amount of snack wastage.

Mr. Piss the moment before he peed in the kibble

The cats have introduced a strange method of protesting Mt Kibble by contaminating the mountain with their bodily fluids. First, Mr. Puke vomited into the feeder box on February 3 2024, the next day Mr. Piss, for once making a move to help the greater cat community, or perhaps just to mark his territory, peed inside of the feeder box. Unless this is pure coincidence, it would appear that the cats are becoming tired of Mt Kibble, which was also named 'Mt Piss' by viewers after Mr. Piss peed on it and the pee trickled down to the safe area of the 'River Kibble' where the once fresh food lived.

A commenter nicknaming Mt Kibble 'Mt Piss'

5th Feb - 7th Feb 2024

Just when everyone thought we had gotten rid of the abomination that Mount Kibble was, it came back. On the 5th of February 2024, at 17:28 IST, a kind viewer of the stream decided to donate loads and loads of kibble and snacks hence creating the now better known as Mount Snibble. As of 12PM GMT, 05/02/2024, Mt. Kibble has covered 90.05% of the camera, taking up 267171 pixels of the 295200 allotted from a 720x410p resolution with the usual 0.05% margin of error. Although it is good to be donating to a cat feeder, it must be noted that donations must always be made in controllable quantities or if someone wants to make a donation this big, they should spread out their donations over more cat feeders so as to prevent more mount kibbles in the future. Currently, Mt. Snack has been attempted to be toppled down, but no challenger has succeeded due to them getting a full stomach.

Mt. Kibble as of 6 February 12:43

As of 6th February 2024, 8 AM IST, the Mount Snack part of Mount Snibble is completely gone. It appears that the greed for freeze-dried snacks has abled the cats to decimate Half of Mount Snibble. We can only hope at this point that Ms. Kibble or Mr. Excavator comes by and eats up Mount Kibble too, as its still occupying around 50% of the screen.

7th February, 2024, 12:22 PM IST, a really kind human, who has been dubbed Mrs. Socks, came to the feeder to provide tuna and snacks to the cats. Another really cool thing she did was turn Mount Kibble into a Plateau Kibble by eliminating about 80% of it.

At 15:24 PM IST of the same day, another human arrived, this time completely destroying Mount Kibble. The entire stream was happy that Mount Kibble has finally fallen again, the cats and viewers are now happy again. We must fight Mount Kibble with all we have and ensure it doesn't come back stronger. It should be noted that Mount Kibble gets worse at night, since less cats come by to chip away at the Mountain of Food.

The fabled Grand Mt. Kibble
Mr. Beef clearing Mt. Kibble on 10.02.2024

8th Feb - 10th Feb 2024

Guess who's back? Mount Fucking Kibble again. That's right! Mount Kibble has returned to give us all a hard time on the stream. It just can't stop, can it? on 8th Feb, 10:28 AM IST, a new Mount Kibble was formed, obstructing the view of the feeder. Mount Kibble also formed as Mount Snibble, consisting of snacks and kibble both.

On 9th Feb 2024, at 9:30 AM IST, a kind human came by to clean up the feeder. The human reached for Mount Kibble to clean it and they succeeded, right? WRONG! The human messed up Mount Kibble so bad that it now covered 100% of the screen. That's right, Mount Kibble now completely obstructs the view of the front camera and has become THE GRAND MOUNT KIBBLE. We can only hope that the human realizes her mistake and clears Mount Kibble for real this time.

On the 10th of February, 2024, Mr. Beef cleared Mt. Kibble after 2 days. We shall now praise him for destroying Mt. Kibble. We call his heroic feat that day The Beef Conquest.

March 3rd - ???

Sometime on the 3rd of March Mount Kibble appeared again. The first ever cat to have been recorded to have taken on Mount Kibble is Mr. Oreo. Second cat to take on this Mt. Kibble is Mr. One having the shortest recorded time of taking on Mt. Kibble. Its unknown who took on Mt. Kibble after One since the person recording on this was playing Counter Strike 2 and not recording the cars. But it seems to be Mr. Snoob who took on Mt. Kibble after Mr. One. After Snoob came Ms. Kirby. The documenter wasn't paying attention so the cars who came after Ms. Kirby are a mystery. One cat who was recorded to come after Ms. Kirby is Ms. Pretty. Ms Honk came next after kicking Ms. Kirby out of the feeder. Next came Ms, Kibble who chat was hoping to come and save the stream from Mt. Kibble. Then came Mr. Piss. After Mr. Piss came Mr. Puke. Then came Mr. Turkey. Thats when the cats are cut short. TGB was later seen after Mt. Kibble was cleared. So its speculated that TGB defeated Mt. Kibble.

Mount Snack

Main article: Mount Snack

Mount Snack like a Mount Kibble, but with Freeze-dried chicken snacks. A Mount Snack typically gets cleared quicker though due to the cats liking snacks more than kibble.

The Kibble Drought

The feeder containing a suspiciously small amount of food
Confused car...

On the 20th of February, 2024, the feeder was present with a very small amount of kibble. At approximately 4:00 AM SST, the feeder was seen to be almost completely empty, but the shortage of food persisted even before that.

It's speculated that the feeder was either broken or had malfunctioned due to the lack of any food being dispensed for several hours (the caption at the bottom of the stream also indicated that the feeder had 100% of kibble and snacks remaining). The community called this "The Great Depression".

21st February, 2024, a human had come to manually refill the feeder entirely with snacks, indicating that the condition of the feeder was a known and ongoing issue.

Since then, the feeder has been fixed and the cats are back to eating.

A human sticking his hand through the Mechanical Trap Room door to manually fill the feeder with dried tuna snacks