John's Canteen

Revision as of 06:40, 25 April 2024 by PlNK (talk | contribs) (missed some was's)
John's Canteen

All cameras on John's Canteen as of 2024/03/20.
Original Name 噜米小食堂
Watch ID


John's Canteen (噜米小食堂) was a feeder on the Hello Street Cat app. It was previously a featured channel on This feeder is no longer in service.


Although the feeder was a featured stream, it was not very popular. The feeder was named after its most famous cat, John.

Rule #1 of John Canteen: All cats do not have titles prefixing a cat's name. John cats do not have titles.

All Cats

How to Watch

On April 25, 2024, John's Canteen feeder was decommissioned by its caretaker. The camera feed is still accessible, but only shows the feeder box in a storage space.You can watch the streams manually by playing it on VLC Media Player.

You can also watch the stream on

There is also the Hello Street Cat app, though you will need a Chinese phone number.

Name in Other Languages

Language Name
German Johns Kantine
French Cantine de John
Ukrainian Їдальня Джона
Russian Столовка Джона