Brother Roll
Brother Roll is a cat from The Scenery That Day. He was first seen around April 2024, in the Chinese community. He gained a small fanbase in the English community in July.
Brother Roll was named after his talent for rolling over. Talent being a strong word - he is actually just too lazy to get up.
He is likely a pet cat. A human comes over to take him back inside if he is at the feeder at night. However, he is allowed to roam around during the day.
Brother Roll's feeder has been relocated, however it is unknown if the cat himself will visit.
Brother Roll absolutely adores sleeping. In fact, that's all he does. He just sleeps all day, looking like the chillest cat on earth. Occasionally, he will get up and eat - if you're lucky, he'll even roll over!
Brother Roll is completely unfazed by everything around him. He'll snooze whilst humans pass by, and whilst loud sounds are occurring. Nothing can interrupt his slumber, except food of course.
Brother Roll is a Shorthaired Tabby cat of average size. He is completely brown, except for his chest, and a triangle shape on his face. He has a light pink nose. He can most commonly be seen sleeping, where you can see a white strip across his stomach. He also has white-tipped paws. Brother Roll has noticeable Tomcat Cheeks, although they are only small.
July 2024
- July 09, 2024: At around 08:36 AM (LFT), Brother Roll was eating at the feeder. After his meal, he assumed loaf formation, and slowly fell asleep, his head dropping to the floor.
- July 25, 2024: At 02:19 PM (LFT), Brother Roll was seen absolutely conked out, lying on his back with his foot sticking in the air.
- July 29, 2024: At around 05:00 AM (LFT), Brother Roll was snoozing at the feeder, unaware that his famous moment was about to occur. Some food dispensed from the feeder, and onto the floor. An interested Brother Roll lazily rolled over to see what was happening. Truly a beautiful moment.
- At around 03:18 PM (LFT), Brother Roll was once again seen sleeping at the feeder. He changed positions many times, trying to find the coziest one. Despite the noisy construction outside, Brother Roll just kept sleeping. Once food dispensed, Brother Roll did the unthinkable and rolled again - albeit much faster this time.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Brother Roll is unable to roll due to an enemy in his path (stick)
Brother Roll is very eepy
oughhh big stretch
Brother Roll anticipates some food
Brother Roll does some yoga
Brother Roll becomes Brother Ball
Absolutely conked
Have you ever seen a cat as chill as he?
Brother Roll from above (how you'll usually see him)
Brother Roll, can you please stop staring at me
Brother Roll getting pets from his owner
Rolling around while being pet
Brother Roll sure does love being pet