Ms. Gracious
Ms. Gracious is a tortoiseshell tabby from Drooling at the Sight of Freeze-Dried Food. She was named for her kindly looks and attitude.
Ms. Gracious is known to be friendly and is often seen with other cats, especially kittens. She likes to sit in front of the camera and bow. Frequently she will lick her front right paw, though it doesn't seem to be injured. She likes to appear around 4 AM.
Ms. Gracious is distinguished by the white flame above her nose and the way the orange patch on her forehead interlocks with the tabby pattern. Her legs are striped and she has a white belly.
September 2024
- September 17, 2024: At 4:40 AM (LFT) Ms. Gracious made her first appearance. She had been drenched by a storm.
- September 19, 2024: At 4:27 AM (LFT), Ms. Gracious appeared alongside a small unidentified tabby cat and Mr. Crude Oil.
October 2024
- October 1, 2024 At 3:02 AM (LFT), Ms. Gracious was seen eating slowly and politely.
- October 4, 2024 At 4:10 AM (LFT) Ms. Gracious sat with an unidentified orange cat and cuddled with Mr. Crude Oil.
- October 8, 2024 At 4:25 AM, Ms. Gracious was seen sitting with Old Crusty. She rocked back and forth gently as cats do when they are purring.
February 2025
- February 25, 2025: At 2:17 AM (LFT) Ms. Gracious loafed at the feeder and ate a bit of kibble. Her right front foot seemed to be hurt.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
idiot <3
Ms. Gracious' face
Ms. Gracious' back