Mx. Governer is an orange, gray, and white calico cat who frequents the Little Raccoon Cat House Feeder, their name was given due to the fact that one of the photos taken of them had 2 orange cats resembling guards behind them.
February 2025
- February 8th, 2025: approx. 20:00 PM (LFT): Mx. Governer along with a group of 2 orange cats visited the feeder.
- February 9th, 2025: approx. 20:00 PM (LFT) Mx. Governer, along with the same group of 2 cats visited the feeder again, and after some time passed, Mx. Governer was eating in the feeder with an orange cat for a few minutes before being caught off-guard by a black cat.
- February 10th, 2025: approx. 12:30 AM (LFT) Mx. Governer was spotted at the feeder.
- February 12th, 2025: approx. 15:00 (LFT) Mx. Governer was spotted at the feeder, and then left afterwards, a few hours later, thay reappeared at the feeder, showing off their looks at the camera.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Mx. Governer along with 2 orange cats, presumed to be Mx. Governer's personal guards.
Mx. Governer looking at the camera, unamused.
Mx. Governer eating with one of their guards.
Mx. Governer along with an orange and white cat, presumably the Vice-Governer.
the Vice-Governer gets slapped in the face by a guard, who was feasting on a meal.