Mrs. BarbieQ
Mx. BarbieQ is a cat that attends the Hakimi's Longing feeder. They were named after their brown tabby markings, which look like grill lines. They're one of the most common visitors of the feeder and one of the friendliest.
Mx. BarbieQ is a big fan of eating. They will eat if food is available and will wait once it's all eaten. They're calm when Ms. Froth is sleeping next to the feeder but gets anxious if there are too many cats.
Mx. BarbieQ is almost entirely a brown tabby save for their lips and chin, giving the appearance of white lipstick. They're thin, and a relatively small cat.
November 2024
- Nov 20, 2024: 09:00 AM (LFT) Mx. BarbieQ appears for the first time. They clear the feeder of kibble before stalking away into the woods.
December 2024
- Dec 3, 2024: 08:47 PM (LFT) Mx. BarbieQ appears, Ms. Froth sleeps in the leaves next to the feeder. They loaf in the feeder until 08:58 when they're scared away by the awakening of Ms. Froth and the appearance of Mr. Mindful.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
They sit and stare...
Mx. BarbieQ eats