Little Stinker

The Stinker in absolute bewilderment.
Breed Dragon Li
Coat Black (brown) Mackerel Tabby with Low White Spotting
Sex Undetermined
Rarity Legendary
Occupation Being smelly
Appearance Dark grey to brown dragon li cat with white points. Little Stinker has a small dark spot on one of her completely white legs.
Personality Evasive
First known sighting April 25, 2024
Parents Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Partner Unknown
Children Unknown
Other Unknown

Little Stinker is the cryptid of the Tuxedo and Tabby Squad feeder. They tend to disappear for several months between visits. They received the name "Little Stinker" for their difficulty to document.


Little Stinker is elusive; they appear rarely and scarcely enter the feeder to eat. Instead, they like peer in and walk away without eating. Due to this, they have been difficult to document. Images of their face are rare.


Despite their name, Little Stinker is not very small. They are a dark grey to brown dragon li cat with white points. Their head and back are covered in large dark spots with darker stripes inside. In a stark contrast is their white underbelly. Notably, Little Stinker has a single dark spot on their completely white leg, making them easier to identify.

Little Stinker from above


April 2024

  • April 25, 2024: At 07:52 AM (LFT), Little Stinker made their first appearance. They had found a tray of treats that the Caretaker had left.

May 2024

  • May 07, 2024: At 10:26 AM (LFT), Little Stinker appeared once more. They sniffed around the feeder, however, they left without eating.
  • May 16, 2024: At 08:01 PM (LFT) Little Stinker made another appearance, once again they were seen sniffing around the feeder. They investigated the new decorations before leaving.

August 2024

  • August 30, 2024: At 04:45 PM (LFT), Little Stinker crept through the feeder without taking a bite. They mooned the camera for an extended period of time and then left.
  • August 31, 2024: At 01:15 PM (LFT), Little Stinker peered in and investigated the feeder. They left shortly after.

(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")


 List of feeders and cats from Tuxedo and Tabby Squad

Big GreyLiquid FoxLittle AnarchyLittle GreyLittle Naranjita
Mama BearMs. BounceMs. FoxMs. HummingbirdMs. Leaf
Ms. PokoMs. PonMrs. PoppyMs. RaccoonMr. Slither
Mr. SunNotoriousSmidgeTimtomWatcher


5A Scenic Cat AreaA Litter of Cats Who Love Each OtherAbandoned AngelAll You Can Eat Buffet
Auspicious RestaurantBaldie Carrot, the Cats' ProtectorBlessings Be With YouBig Man's Cat Houses
Brother Fresh's Last DayBrother Fresh’s Exclusive Castle CatMojoCat House of Compassion in HeQing Town
Cat House of Compassion in HeQing TownCat Paradise 1Cats Who Love to Eat
Eat and Drink Without Worries ~ Happy Meow Island ⌯'ㅅ'⌯Eat Enough Every DayGagaxuan Canteen
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Happy Canteen No.2Happy Cat House No.2Hi MeowHouse of Compassion by the Strait
Huanzi Animal Rescue Base 1John's CanteenJOJO Miaomiaowu
Kitty CornerLi XiaoMen's Feeder for Orange CatsLittle Sun Party
Little Wanderer’s ParadiseLucky 7-Eleven ⅡLucky Meow Bobo Room Feeder
MaoMao's Streetcat House of LoveMeow Meow Rub RubMeow Meow's Whine HouseMeow Wind Chime House
No Hungry Cats Left BehindOrange Cat KindergartenSanjing Brand Cat ClubSnowball Cat StationSoaring Cat
Team BingBing Helps Stray Cats Find Their Forever HomeTuxedo and Tabby SquadTechnological Cat House
Ten Thousand Kitties HouseThe SanWei Bookstore's Kitty Canteen
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