Little Stinker
Little Stinker is the cryptid of the Tuxedo and Tabby Squad feeder. She tends to disappear for several months between visits. She received the name "Little Stinker" for their difficulty to document.
Little Stinker is elusive; she appear rarely and scarcely enter the feeder to eat. Instead, she likes peer in and walk away without eating. Due to this, she have been difficult to document. Images of her face are rare.
Despite their name, Little Stinker is not very small. she are a dark grey to brown dragon li cat with white points. Her head and back are covered in large dark spots with darker stripes inside. In a stark contrast is her white underbelly. Notably, Little Stinker has a single dark spot on her completely white leg, making them easier to identify.
April 2024
- April 25, 2024: At 07:52 AM (LFT), Little Stinker made her first appearance. she had found a tray of treats that the Caretaker had left.
May 2024
- May 07, 2024: At 10:26 AM (LFT), Little Stinker appeared once more. She sniffed around the feeder, however, she left without eating.
- May 16, 2024: At 08:01 PM (LFT) Little Stinker made another appearance, once again she was seen sniffing around the feeder. she investigated the new decorations before leaving.
August 2024
- August 30, 2024: At 04:45 PM (LFT), Little Stinker crept through the feeder without taking a bite. She mooned the camera for an extended period of time and then left.
- August 31, 2024: At 01:15 PM (LFT), Little Stinker peered in and investigated the feeder. she left shortly after.
September 2024
- September 02, 2024: 01:14 PM (LFT) Little Stinker peered into the feeder before deciding not to eat and wandering away.
- September 22, 2024: 03:24 PM (LFT) Little Stinker was startled into a blep by donations of chicken. She was startled repeatedly during her meal and was ready to bolt at any second.
- September 24, 2024: Unknown time (LFT) Little Stinker stopped her meal to stare angrily at the kibble dispenser.
- September 29, 2024: 10:42 AM (LFT) Little Stinker was startled once more. She looked rather angry at the camera and then continued eating. She stuck around for an extended amount of time.
October 2024
- October 08, 2024: 09:56 AM (LFT) Little Stinker stepped into the feeder for a moment and was startled as she walked away.
- October 16, 2024: 02:23 PM (LFT) being nervous about the trap didn't stop Stinker from being rapped. She hopped into the bag for a moment before jumping out and gnawing on the bowl in defiance.
- October 24, 2024: 08:17 PM (LFT) Returning to the feeder once more, her head whipped around as the sounds of cats startled her.
- October 30, 2024: 07:46 AM (LFT) Little Stinker peered into the feeder and wandered away.
November 2024
- November 22, 2024: 06:23 AM (LFT) Little Stinker calmly ate kibble and chicken before wandering off.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
The Glorious Return
The culprit caught in broad daylight
For cats.