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Ms. Fishbowl
Breed Unknown
Coat Tortoiseshell
Sex Female
Rarity Unknown
Occupation Camera finder
Appearance Tortoiseshell with a distinct orange dot on her head
First known sighting April 6th, 2024

Ms. Fishbowl is a tortoiseshell that was found on the Hi Meow (HI喵) feeder. She was named for sticking her face very close to the camera, almost looking like a fisheye effect was applied to her.


Ms. Fishbowl is cautious and easily startled, jumping when kibble is dispensed.


Ms. Fishbowl is a black tortoiseshell with limited speckles of orange on her. She has a distinctive orange marking on her forehead. Her chin is white on one side.

Ms. Fishbowl from above


April 2024

  • April 06, 2024: At around 05:50 AM (LFT), Ms. Fishbowl was spotted for the first time. She had a worrying gash on her cheek and was acting very skittish.
  • April 14, 2024: At around 01:30 AM (LFT), Ms. Fishbowl returned to the feeder and sniffed very close to the camera for food that was not there.

May 2024

  • May 04, 2024: At around 01:00 PM (LFT), Ms. Fishbowl cautiously came to the feeder. Her injury is much better and not visible anymore. She was startled when kibble was dispensed, but kept eating.

(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")


 List of feeders and cats from Hi Meow

Mr. CheetahMr. EyesMs. FishbowlMr. FlytrapMs. MayoMr. Misfortune
Mr. QuillsMs. ShortyMr. SparkleMs. SniffThe Bugwatcher


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