Mr. Tobashi
Other name(s) Freshly Birthed Baby
Breed British Shorthair - Mix (Probable)
Coat Blue
Sex Male
Rarity Uncommon
Occupation Identity Theft.
Appearance Bushy and Fat-looking (because of his fur).
First known sighting April 27, 2024 around 08:50AM (LFT)

Mr. Tobashi, one of the cats found at the Team BingBing Helps Stray Cats Find Their Forever Home feeders, was named after his strikingly similar appearance to one of the feeder's leaders, Mr. Boss. Leading his name to be Tobashi (飛ばし), a Japanese term most commonly used to refer to a fraudulent scheme, involving stocks or loans. However, this context leads him to be a fraudster stealing the identity of Mr. Boss. Thus, his name, Tobashi.

  • He also has the other name, of 'Freshly Birthed Baby', after a discord user referred to his appearance being similar to one of a freshly birthed baby.

He can be seen commonly frequenting all three feeders, Feeder 1 (, Feeder 2 (, and Feeder 3 (, of the Bingbing Feeder group.


As a whole, nothing much can be said about Mr. Tobashi, he can be commonly seen napping or sunbathing at the various feeders, selfishly taking up most of the space that could be used to access the bowl. While also swatting at any other cat that approaches him while he is napping or lounging around. All in all, he acts as a loner amongst the other cats, only approaching the feeders when the other cats are predominantly absent from the outdoor sanctuary; tolerating very few while they attempt to eat from the feeder during his occupation.


Tobashi's appearance can be noted to place him as one of the prevalent similar-looking cat groups at the BingBing sanctuary, being a part of the gray cats with Mr. Boss and Mr. Itachi, all three in which can be hard to differentiate at times, since they all prefer to sleep around the feeders.

  • However, Mr. Tobashi sports a larger build than the other two, towering over them in height and width, as his fur is considerably bushier than the others, and his chin can often be seen expanding over his collar. Which garners him the appearance of having a double chin, something the two others do not experience.
Mr. Tobashi from above.


April 2024

  • April 27, 2024: Mr. Tobashi was first spotted at Feeder 2, around 08:50AM (LFT), lounging around and simply having a grand old time hogging all of the space on the feeder floor. Which limited the other cats' ability to eat from that specific feeder, as he was simply blocking their way to enter with his huge body.

May 2024

  • May 05, 2024: At first confused for Mr. Boss, Tobashi was spotted again, napping and hogging up all of the feeder floor space at Feeder 2 around 09:30AM (LFT). Seeming to claim ownership over the feeder itself, as the other cats seemed to have cleared out as his presence was made known.
  • May 10, 2024: Tobashi was spotted at an odd location, Feeder 3, simply basking in the sun around 07:01AM (LFT). He seemed to enjoy feeling the Sun's rays through his fur as he felt asleep in his sunbathing position.
  • May 13, 2024: Spotted at Feeder 1 around 09:11AM (LFT), Mr. Tobashi was simply eyeing his surroundings as the other cats lounged further away from the feeder, seemingly to avoid his presence.
  • May 19, 2024: Making another rare Feeder 3 appearance around 06:40AM (LFT), Tobashi didn't seem to do much. He simply sat and stared at the other cats while presumably waiting for the sun to rise for his timely sunbathing.
  • May 20, 2024: Around 03:34AM (LFT) at Feeder 3, he was seen simply sitting around and napping while in his sitting position. He didn't seem to do anything else besides nap while attempting to look dignified. (It won't work you identity thief.)
  • May 23, 2024: At Feeder 3 around 06:50AM (LFT), Tobashi was seen sitting around branching out his body to take up all of the feeder space, until he moved to Feeder 1 and was joined by one of the Siamese Twins, and eventually forced to sit up.
  • May 25, 2024: Spotted at Feeder 2 accompanying Ms. Enkozume, Tobashi was spotted simply sitting around monitoring the surroundings of the Feeder, while Enko slept. Eventually, Enko left and he was alone, so he sprawled out on the floor of the feeder, swatting at any other cats who would approach it to eat.
  • May 28, 2024: Again, sitting and taking up all of the space at Feeder 2, Tobashi was simply resting and being a nuisance to the other cats, until the caretakers approached and began to clean the feeder, which garnered no notable response from him. Until he was forced off of his sleeping position, and to stand while the caretaker cleaned. He made a point to walk away at that point.

(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")


 List of feeders and cats from Team BingBing Helps Stray Cats Find Their Forever Home

Mr. BossMs. EnkozumeMr. ItachiMr. MeiMs. Poodle
Ms. ShingiinMr. PugMr. ShateiMr. TobashiMs. Victorian
Mr. YankeeMr. (´ω`)


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