John is a bicolour white and black spotted cat with vivid yellow-orange eyes. His most unique and distinguishable feature is the black spot pattern on his nose and over eyes. Much like a Rorschach test, John’s anomalous visage is interpreted differently from viewer to viewer.
John has also been known to take the form of a shallow brown bowl when startled.
John is typically very nervous, and he frequently pauses while eating to check his surroundings.He can be seen snuggling with his brother Doe but isn't a huge fan of other cats.
Many of John's sightings have not been recorded due to his popularity within the English community.
March 11th, 2024: At 5:13 AM (CST), John was seen munching on kibbles. He would subsequently go in and out of the feeder for the next few minutes.
March 13th, 2024: At 9:11 PM (CST), John was spotted eating at the feeder. He would come back at 4:12 AM (CST), to continue his meal.
March 14th, 2024: At 8:00 PM (CST), John eats out of the feeder.
March 15th, 2024: At: 7:10 PM (CST), John eats out of the newly installed food bowl in the feeder.
March 16th, 2024: At 5:18 PM (CST), John walked into the feeder.
File:The Jun.jpgThe Jun, John's final formAt 8:21 AM (CST), John briefly eats from the feeder and leaves.
March 18th, 2024: At 2:15 AM (CST), John was seen taking mouthfuls of the kibble and eating it outside the feeder. He appeared a bit more nervous than usual.
March 20th, 2024: At 9:30 PM (CST), John made several trips to and from the food bowl, often lying down just outside the cat house.
March 23rd, 2024: At 6:17 PM (CST), John was seen eating some kibbles, sometimes distracted by noises.
March 28th, 2024: At around 3:40 AM (CST), John appeared to munch on some kibble, getting distracted several times but nonetheless finishing his meal and leaving.
(Note: Some cat sightings are not recorded either due to the cat being a common visitor or not having wiki editors online during the time of their appearance).