Trunks is a cat that appears at A Litter of Cats Who Love Each Other. She bears an odd resemblance to Vegeta, both being Calicos with a black patch over one eye, looking similar to a scouter. Because of this, she was named after Trunks, the son of the character Vegeta in the Japanese franchise Dragon Ball. She was first sighted by the global community on January 7, 2025.
Trunks is an extremely skittish cat. For weeks, almost every time food was dropped, she would dart out of the feeder. After over a month of visiting the feeder, she still often gets scared when food is dropped and runs out of the feeder, although she is now sometimes brave enough to stay. She rarely holds still, usually showing up specifically to eat, then leaving right after. She eats both kibble and chicken snacks, but over time, has developed a preference for kibble.
Her disposition toward other cats seems to be mixed— she was fearful of an adult male tabby as well as Brutus, but was friendly with Mack. She has been seen attacking poor Theo on camera.
Trunks has an extremely striking coat pattern. On her face, she has black spotting that descends down the left side of her forehead and completely surrounds her left eye, similar to the spotting on Vegeta's right eye. Trunks also has an oval-shaped black mark on her right inner eye crease, running down the right side of her nose. She has an orange, horizontal blotch between her nose and mouth. Her body is mostly white. On her back, she has a few large orange spots, and her tail is an irregular mix of orange and black.
January 2025
- January 7, 2025: Around 4:15 AM (LFT), Trunks was spotted for the first time. She stood outside of the feeder, looking hesitant, then entered the feeder and began eating kibble and snacks. When kibble was dropped, she ran out of the feeder, but came back in a few seconds later. The next time food was dropped, she got more scared and ran away from the feeder. A minute later, she reentered the feeder by crawling under the black tarp. She was very skittish and moved around lots, not holding still for any significant amount of time.
- January 10, 2025: Around 11:50 PM (LFT), Trunks was seen eating chicken snacks while making silly faces. The first two times food was dropped, she ran out of the feeder then came back in. When food was dropped a third time, she got used to the sound of it and stayed inside.
- January 15, 2025: Around 10:35 PM (LFT), Trunks was seen eating chicken snacks. Wife Guy soon showed up and laid down outside the feeder. Trunks cowered along the inside wall of the feeder and, after a few seconds, ran through the tarp, away from the feeder.
- January 19, 2025: Around 1:25 AM (LFT), Trunks was seen eating kibble. Several times during her visit, she ran out of the feeder to see what was going on outside, then came back in.
- January 20, 2025: Around 6:05 AM (LFT), Trunks was seen eating kibble, ignoring the pretty large pile of chicken snacks that were in the bowl. At one point, she turned around and made a face at the back camera.
- January 21, 2025: Around 3:35 AM (LFT), Trunks was seen eating kibble. While eating, she made a wide variety of ridiculous faces at the camera.
- January 23, 2025:
- Around 4:50 AM (LFT), Trunks was seen eating kibble and chicken snacks. As usual, she made some ridiculous faces.
- Around 8:25 PM (LFT), Trunks was seen eating the last of the kibble from the bowl. When she finished it off, she waited for more food, but none was dropped.
- January 25, 2025: Around 6:45 PM (LFT), Trunks was seen eating kibble, having gone through the newly installed insulating tarp to do so. When kibble was dropped, she started to run out of the feeder, but composed herself and resumed eating soon after. At one point, Brutus walked into the crack between the feeder and the wall and watched Trunks eat from there; this caused Trunks to run from the feeder.
- January 28, 2025: Around 9:05 PM (LFT), Trunks was seen inside the feeder. At one point, an unknown cat approached the feeder. Trunks got closer to the tarp to try to see the cat through it, then backed away toward the inside wall. The unknown cat stuck its nose through the tarp then walked away.
February 2025
- February 3, 2025: Around 11:30 PM (LFT), Trunks was seen sitting outside the feeder while Rob laid in front of the empty bowl, staring at the front camera. Eventually, Rob left and Trunks sat down in front of the bowl. A few minutes later, Brutus sat down outside the feeder. Brutus then walked around to the crack between the feeder and the wall, Trunks nervously eating all the while. After Brutus started at Trunks for a minute from the crack, Trunks ran from the feeder.
- February 4, 2025: Around 5:40 AM (LFT), Trunks was seen eating kibble.
- February 5, 2025: Around 10:40 PM (LFT), Trunks was seen focusing on the kibble in the bowl, rather than the chicken snacks. When kibble was dropped, she was brave and barely even flinched. She periodically stopped eating to look at a Brown Tabby that was sitting outside the feeder.
- February 9, 2025: Around 7:20 PM (LFT), Trunks entered the feeder and sniffed around the empty bowl, shoving her face into the camera and making many silly faces in the process. When she was done sniffing, she immediately left the feeder.
- February 18, 2025: Around 8:15 PM (LFT), Trunks entered the feeder, only to see that the bowl was empty.
- February 20, 2025: Around 3:25 AM (LFT), Trunks was seen eating kibble. While eating, Mack, who was sitting outside the feeder, reached his paw through the tarp and played with her tail; Trunks made a non-aggressive noise at him and he stopped. She continued eating as Mack moved to the crack between the feeder and the wall and watched her from there. Throughout the visit, they seemed to be at least cordial.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Trunks entering the feeder.
Trunks entering by crawling under the tarp. (GIF)
Trunks looking outside.
Trunks taking a moment to pause.
Trunks squeezing herself through the tarp.
Trunks sees you.
Trunks making a ridiculous face while chewing.
Trunks blep
Trunks making a ridiculous and kind of horrifying face.
Trunks looking at the back camera.
That blotch on her inner right eye is so ridiculous.
Trunks likes kibble better than chicken snacks.
The entirety of a Trunks visit. This girl does not hold still. (GIF)