Mr. Domino
Mr. Domino is a cat that can be found at the GOODCAT feeder. First being spotted in the early morning of May 18th, it wasn't until several days later that he was finally identified. Mr. Domino is often seen with dried eye boogies on his face and around his nose, this with the combined redness of his eyes suggests he may be sick at the moment. He was named after the four dots on his head that look like domino dots.

Mr. Domino can be spotted happily munching away on kibble, he takes care not to over eat as Mr. Mlem tends to do. In addition to getting a quick meal at the feeder, he enjoys grooming and loafing in the sunshine. He's very attentive and has been spotted swatting at bugs and often looks over his shoulder as he eats.
Mr. Domino is an almost entirely white cat with a ringed tail and four dots on his forehead, which resemble a domino. He also has one rogue black dot in the middle of his back. With ears as large as his feet, he likes to show them off to viewers as he grooms himself after a meal.
May 2024
- May 18, 2024: In the early morning hours around 04:40 AM (LFT) Mr. Domino was spotted for the first time as he quickly ate his early morning breakfast.
- May 20, 2024: Around 05:28 AM (LFT), Mr. Domino was seen at the feeder where he happily ate his breakfast, before loafing in front of the dispenser and soaking up the sunrise. After a while he decided to groom himself, focusing especially on his toes, and left around 06:00 AM (LFT).
- At around 03:30 PM (LFT), Mr. Domino showed up at the feeder. He was very chilled out, taking a quick nap. Some kibble was dispensed, surprising the sleeping Domino. He soon gained his senses and began eating. A few minutes after, a fly appeared, startling Mr. Domino. He tried to catch it, but gave up very quickly. A black cat appeared in the distance, which Mr. Domino stared at very intensely, before eating a bit more and then leaving.
(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")
Mr Domino grooms his front toe beans very precisely
Mr. Domino shows off his back toe beans as he makes the "4 Dabloons" gesture
A happy boy
Mr. Domino being very chilled out
Mr. Domino getting very confused by a fly
Mr. Domino gives up trying to catch the fly