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Nothing going on up there
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Coat Red (Orange) Tabby with Medium White Spotting
Sex Male
Rarity Uncommon
Appearance OwO
Eye Color Dark Amber/Light Brown
Personality Mindless
First known sighting June 23, 2024
Parents Dame Knight
Siblings Lance, Gareth
Partner None
Children None

Dan is an Orange Tabby who appears at A Litter of Cats Who Love Each Other. He is one of Dame Knight's two children (his sister is Lance). Because of his mother, Dame Knight's name, Dan and his sister were both named after people commonly stated to be Knights of the Round Table. Dan was named after Sir Daniel, a knight in Der Stricker's 1220 Arthurian romance Daniel von dem blühenden Tal (Daniel of the Flowering Valley)[1]. As a kitten, he appeared at the feeder with his mother; as an older kitten and adult, he visits the feeder more often than his mother and sister. He was first sighted by the global community on June 23, 2024.


Dan's most notable trait is his willingness to enter the feeder and eat, no matter what is going on or who is there. He has been seen hanging out with almost every cat that visits the feeder (he has never been seen with notoriously belligerent Rob). Other cats at the feeder who try to eat while another is eating are normally met with hostility; Dan, however, is so mindless that he is often met with some kind of tolerance by the other cats (he has been swatted and hissed at multiple times, though). Notably, Dan is almost never aggressive, even when other cats are aggressive towards him. The only time he has ever shown aggression at the feeder was when Torbie Mother showed up and became aggressive toward him and his little brother, Gareth.

At the feeder, Dan will sometimes eat kibble, but he shows a strong preference for snacks, often ignoring kibble inside the feeder in favor of waiting for snacks. Dan likes to sniff the dispenser and around the bowl for snacks. Like Rob, he enjoys staring into the camera with his gigantic eyes. Dan can often be seen making a variety of ridiculous faces.


Dan is an Orange Tabby. When he was a young kitten, he looked incredibly similar to Bob's kitten, Bob Jr. The easiest way to tell them apart is by looking at their face; Dan has a blotch on the right side of his nose, while Bob Jr. has a blotch on the left side of his nose. Dan's stripes are also more bold and somewhat more dotty than Bob Jr's. Dan has tabby stripes going down his right front leg, but not his left. The tabby stripes on his back legs go most of the way down to his paws, and his tail is orange.

Dan from above


June 2024

  • June 23, 2024: Around 5:20 AM (LFT), Dan and his sister were seen for the first time. They showed up to the feeder with their mother. Dan wedged himself into the crack between the bowl and the inside wall of the feeder while his sister ate from the bowl.

July 2024

  • July 13, 2024:
    • Around 11:30 AM (LFT), Dan was seen at the feeder by himself. He ate mostly chicken snacks before leaving.
    • Around 7:15 PM (LFT), Dan was seen eating from the feeder. A few minutes later, Bill showed up to the feeder. Dan walked out of the feeder toward Bill; Bill hissed and ran away.
  • July 17, 2024: Around 7:15 PM (LFT), Dan was seen sitting outside the feeder while Brutus was eating. Dan approached Brutus and sniffed her; Brutus hissed at him, and he hissed back before walking away.
  • July 19, 2024: Around 11:50 AM (LFT), Dan was seen sitting next to his mother while she ate. A few minutes later, she left, and he began to eat.
  • July 20, 2024: Around 1:30 PM (LFT), Dan was seen eating kibble from the feeder.
  • July 21, 2024: Around 7:30 PM (LFT), Dan was seen sitting next to his mother while she ate. Wanting to eat as well, he stretched over top of his mother and ate while on top of her.

September 2024

  • September 10, 2024:
    • At 7:23 AM (LFT), Dan was seen eating from the feeder. When he finished eating all the snacks and kibble in the bowl, he hung out for a minute, then left.
    • At 1:56 PM (LFT), Dan was seen laying outside the feeder while Cob sat in front of the bowl. Kibble was dropped, and Dan watched Cob eat and stare into the camera for a long time. At 2:08, Dan entered the feeder and began eating, so Cob left.
  • September 15, 2024: At 10:57 AM (LFT), Dan was seen eating kibble from the feeder. When he finished it off, he begged for food by sniffing the dispenser and shoving his face in the camera before leaving.
  • September 16, 2024:
    • At 9:29 AM (LFT), Dan was seen sitting in the feeder, eating kibble, while Mack watched him from a distance. Dan left at 9:35.
    • At 2:25 PM (LFT), Dan entered the feeder and began eating the last few chicken snacks inside the bowl. Ignoring the relatively large pile of kibble, he then waited for more snacks before leaving at 2:30.
  • September 20, 2024: At 4:34 AM (LFT), Dan was seen eating kibble from the bowl. A minute later, Brutus entered the feeder and watched him eat.
  • September 27, 2024: At 2:15 PM (LFT), Dan was seen laying outside the feeder, watching Serif eat. When Serif left two minutes later, Dan entered the feeder and ate the last few pieces of kibble in the bowl before more was dropped. Dan left at 2:23.
  • September 29, 2024: At 7:18 PM (LFT), Dan approached the feeder while Bill and Mack were hanging out. After hanging outside for a minute, Dan left.

October 2024

  • October 1, 2024:
    • At 12:51 PM (LFT), Dan was seen sitting at the feeder. He quickly ran outside, but then came back in.
    • At 1:40 PM (LFT), Dan emerged from behind the feeder and watched Bob lay in front of the bowl. When Bob left a minute later, Dan entered and began eating.
  • October 5, 2024: At 3:54 PM (LFT), Dan entered the feeder and sat down in front of the empty bowl. He waited patiently for food, but none was dropped.
  • October 18, 2024: At 2:54 AM (LFT), Dan approached the feeder while Serif was eating inside and Brutus was hanging out outside. Brutus swatted at him a little bit, but otherwise left him alone. After a minute, Serif stopped eating and got in Dan's face. In a move only Dan could be stupidly brave enough to do, he walked around Serif to enter the feeder and began eating. Serif then left, and Brutus followed Dan into the feeder, sitting behind him. She swatted at him a little more but he ignored her. Dan left the feeder at 3:00.
  • October 19, 2024: At 7:22 AM (LFT), Dan entered the feeder while Bill was sitting in front of the bowl and George was hanging out outside. Dan sat down along the inside wall of the feeder, next to Bill. Bill and George left a couple of minutes later.
  • October 22, 2024: At 5:31 AM (LFT), Dan entered the feeder and sniffed Brutus, who was inside. In response, Brutus (somewhat lightheartedly) bonked him on the head. Dan then began eating kibble, and Brutus sat down along the back wall of the feeder. Dan left at 5:33.
  • October 23, 2024: At 6:17 AM (LFT), Dan approached the feeder and sniffed Bill while he and Mack were hanging out inside. Bill then resumed eating, and Dan reached in over Bill's head to eat as well. As a result of this, Bill and Mack left the feeder.
  • October 24, 2024: At 1:04 PM (LFT), Dan was seen laying outside the feeder while Dame Knight was hanging out inside. A few minutes later, Dame Knight left, and Dan entered the feeder. Greeted with an empty bowl, he sniffed around and stared into the camera with his big bug eyes. Snacks were dropped, and he quickly gobbled them up before waiting for more snacks. At 1:10, Bob sat down outside the feeder, watching him wait, but Dan was not phased by this. Dan left at 1:14. At 1:17. he returned and waited alongside Brutus as Bob ate. A few minutes later, Bob left, and Dan, who was by then alone, entered the feeder. Tob approached the feeder and sniffed Dan at 1:22. Dan left at 1:24.
  • October 25, 2024: At 11:03 AM (LFT), Dan entered the feeder and sniffed around the almost empty bowl. He left a minute later.
  • October 28, 2024: At 7:52 PM (LFT), Dan sat down outside the feeder while Cob waited in front of the bowl. Cob ignored him.

November 2024

  • November 6, 2024:
    • At 1:53 PM (LFT), upon hearing snacks drop, Dan entered the feeder while Bob was inside, eating. He then laid down next to her. Bob ignored him and continued to eat. At 1:56, after eating almost all of the snacks, Bob left, and Dan was able to have the few remaining crumbs.
    • At 2:05 PM (LFT), Dan entered the feeder while Dame Knight was sniffing around the empty bowl. When snacks were dropped, Dame Knight began eating, and Dan, in a move only he would be stupidly brave enough to do, squeezed his head in the bowl to eat alongside her. Dame Knight, who normally hisses at and swats cats who try to eat her food, allowed her son to eat in a rare moment of generosity. She laid down outside the feeder while he ate. A few minutes later, when he was done, Dame Knight reentered and ate while Dan laid next to her. A few minutes later, Dame Knight left as George approached the feeder. Dan resumed eating while George laid outside. Dan left at 2:20, laying outside while George entered and ate.

(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")


 List of feeders and cats from A Litter of Cats Who Love Each Other

ApolloBillBobBob Jr.BrutusCobDame KnightDanEgbert


5A Scenic Cat AreaA Litter of Cats Who Love Each OtherAbandoned AngelAll You Can Eat Buffet
Auspicious RestaurantBaldie Carrot, the Cats' ProtectorBlessings Be With YouBig Man's Cat Houses
Brother Fresh's Last DayBrother Fresh’s Exclusive Castle CatMojoCat House of Compassion in HeQing Town
Cat House of Compassion in HeQing TownCat Paradise 1Cats Who Love to Eat
Eat and Drink Without Worries ~ Happy Meow Island ⌯'ㅅ'⌯Eat Enough Every DayGagaxuan Canteen
GOODCATGuangzhou Lucky HouseGUCCIGuitar Cat & Robot CatHappy Canteen
Happy Canteen No.2Happy Cat House No.2Hi MeowHouse of Compassion by the Strait
Huanzi Animal Rescue Base 1John's CanteenJOJO Miaomiaowu
Kitty CornerLi XiaoMen's Feeder for Orange CatsLittle Sun Party
Little Wanderer’s ParadiseLucky 7-Eleven ⅡLucky Meow Bobo Room Feeder
MaoMao's Streetcat House of LoveMeow Meow Rub RubMeow Meow's Whine HouseMeow Wind Chime House
No Hungry Cats Left BehindOrange Cat KindergartenSanjing Brand Cat ClubSnowball Cat StationSoaring Cat
Team BingBing Helps Stray Cats Find Their Forever HomeTuxedo and Tabby SquadTechnological Cat House
Ten Thousand Kitties HouseThe SanWei Bookstore's Kitty Canteen
There's Too Much... Too Much To Finish CompletelyWarm Home Pet Sales Department
Woohoo Big Face Baga MeowXizi MaydayYishan Stray Cat BaseYouZi's Animal CanteenZz Kitten House

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