Dr. Smudge

The doctor is here!
Other name(s) Mr. Paw, Mr. Boba, Mr. Addict
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Coat Red (orange) with High White Spotting
Sex Male
Rarity Rare
Occupation Ph. D. in Catnip Smudging. Working hard on paying his medical school debt.
Appearance White with orange spots on his back and head.
Eye Color Light Green
Personality Curious, easily irritated, fan of catnip
First known sighting

February 23, 2024

02:16 AM (LFT)
Parents Unknown
Siblings None
Partner None
Children None

Intimidating The Gluttonous Beast, likely to keep his glutton in check.

Afraid of Mr. Chicken after the April 27th incident.

Dr. Smudge is a cat from the Happy Canteen. His first sighting was on February 23, 2024, at approximately 02:16 AM (LFT).

Dr. Smudge licking the catnip ball (click to see gif)

Unlike most male cats, he does not have the honorific of "Mr.", but instead has the honorific of "Dr.".

Dr. Smudge is a current member of the Bald Congress.


Dr. Smudge appears to be the curious sort, indicated by how he has been seen sniffing around the cat house and often looks around while eating. He also likes the catnip ball on the wall opposite of the feeder bowl.

He is also easily irritated, scaring off cats from time to time. Also never ask him about his medical school debt (his hairline will recede further).


His coat is mostly white with orange patches. He has a distinct pattern on his upper back that resembles a splatter. It also can be seen as a "circle and a thumbs-up". His lower half and tail are orange while his hind legs are white. He has two small orange dots above his eyes as well.

Top view of Dr. Smudge


Click on [Expand] to see sightings from previous months!

February 2024

  • February 23, 2024: At 02:16 AM (LFT), Dr. Smudge appeared for the first time and ate from the feeder for a while. Afterward, he played, licked the catnip ball, ate more, and left.
  • February 29, 2024: At 11:17 PM (LFT), Dr. Smudge appeared from the shadows and ate from Mount Kibble while being watched by Mr. Beetle. Once noticed, Dr, Smudge continuously growled at Mr. Beetle until leaving after 20 minutes.

March 2024

  • March 03, 2024: At 10:09 PM (LFT), Dr. Smudge was spotted eating from the feeder. During the time of his presence, there was a moment where he was seen growling to a cat outside, then continuing to eat.
  • March 08, 2024: At 11:58 PM (LFT), Dr. Smudge was spotted chomping, nibbling, may even be inclined to say, 'comiendo'.
  • March 10, 2024: At 01:37 PM (LFT), Dr. Smudge stuck around for over 10 minutes, chowing down.
  • March 11, 2024: At 01:31 AM (LFT), Dr. Smudge appeared and scared away Ms. Kibble, before leaving himself.
  • March 24, 2024: At 04:38 AM (LFT), Dr. Smudge appeared at the feeder, scaring away Mr. Beef. He looked noticeably worse for wear, with a very crusty face.
Dr. Smudge, Mr. Chicken, Mr. Egg and Ms. Warn on April 27th.

April 2024

  • April 03, 2024: At 12:51 AM (LFT), Dr. Smudge arrived at the feeder during the rain, with his eyes being somewhat better. He ate for seven minutes, receiving some more kibble during that time.
  • April 27, 2024: At around 05:00 AM (LFT), Dr, Smudge was seen eating, getting snacks and kibble stuck in his mouth. He was then pushed out of the way by Mr. Puke, who stayed with Dr. Smudge for around 15 minutes. Later, Mr. Egg hesitantly entered the feeder to eat. Mr. Chicken then appeared and sniffed Dr. Smudge. Ms. Warn also snuck up from the top right. Dr. Smudge refused to leave, remaining in the corner of the feeder. Ms. Warn then left. The trio of white-orange cats remained in a tense situation for several minutes, Mr. Chicken eventually lost interest and left, whilst Dr. Smudge returned to eating. Soon after, Mr. Chicken returned to the feeder. What ensued was a very intense stand-off, Dr. Smudge growling and hissing at the other cat for several minutes. He was eventually scared off, sitting outside the feeder as the other cat began to eat. Eventually, Dr. Smudge crawled back inside, stalking Mr. Chicken from behind as he ate. The rest of the encounter was tense but peaceful. Mr. Chicken stopped eating at 05:41 PM (LFT) and left the feeder, leaving Dr. Smudge alone. He proceeded to lie down, exhausted by this event.
  • April 29, 2024: Dr. Smudge arrived at the Happy Canteen at 11:00 AM (LFT) and ate for several minutes.

June 2024

  • June 08, 2024: At 8:30 AM (LFT), Dr. Smudge made his grand return after being missing for all of May. Apparently, he had to take time off to pay back some medical school debt. Before entering the feeder he got slapped by Ms. Kirby.
  • June 9, 2024: At 12:07 PM (LFT), Dr. Smudge appeared at Happy Canteen and munched on kibble. He then hissed and growled at an unknown cat.
  • June 13, 2024: At 5:46 PM (LFT), Dr. Smudge was seen munching on kibble, and then hissing and growling at another cat before leaving the feeder.

July 2024

  • July 01, 2024: At 12:29 AM (LFT), Dr. Smudge was seen devouring kibble for 7 straight minutes, shortly after another cat left the premises.

December 2024

  • December 13, 2024: At 2:50 AM (LFT), Dr. Smudge was seen munching on kibble. Left after 4 minutes.

January 2025

  • January 14, 2025: At around 10:00 AM (LFT) Dr. Smudge was spotted, eating kibble very slowly. Maybe this is connected to the turtle shaped smudge on his back but who knows.
  • January 15, 2025: At roughly 3:00 AM (LFT), Dr. Smudge was seen eating kibble for several minutes, occasionally switching between the front and back feeder. He eventually wandered off into the night.

February 2025

  • February 24, 2025: At 5:43 AM (LFT), Dr. Smudge walked out from the shadow, peeking over Ms. Warn. She growled quietly at him, then escaped to the other side of the feeder. Dr. Smudge stared into her from beneath the feeder, then strode slowly to the platform. With Ms. Warn away, Dr. Smudge reluctantly ate snacks until 5:47 AM, when he absurdly stared into the camera, licking his mouth and begging for snacks. His eyes were as bright and round as the sun, but they were no avail. Dr. Smudge shoved himself deeper into the bowl and crammed any leftover. At 5:52 AM, he looked around with his head almost touching the top. The birds were chirping in harmony, while Dr. Smudge was looking into nowhere. At 5:55 AM, he revved at an orange cat suspected to be, well, Mr. Rev. Dr. Smudge continued standing as still as a statue until 6:00 AM, when he changed to loafing. A minute later, Ms. Warn surprisingly crouched from beneath the feeder, and Dr. Smudge turned his head to the right abhorrently. Peekaboo! Ms. Warn had to retreat inside. Dr. Smudge was unbothered and continued pleasing the ghost with his airplane ears. At 6:03 AM, Ms. Warn successfully escaped. Dr. Smudge gave up at 6:04 AM and turned to the kibbles from behind for a bit. Now, he made friend with the wall to his left. To ingratiate with potential donators, Dr. Smudge scooped up the kibbles on the front bowl and begged again. At 6:10 AM, a good Samaritan donated him kibbles, which he accepted. Maybe he has been seeking fresh food all along. He left behind a lot of food a minute later, and Mr. Puke came in from the other side.
  • February 24, 2025 (2nd visit): Dr. Smudge came to the feeder at 11:56 AM (LFT), loafing to wait for Ms. Fluff to finish her lunch. After Ms. Fluff had left at 11:58 AM, Dr. Smudge neatly ascended to the feeder. Little did he know, Mrs. Kirby was tailing him. Just like the queen we know, Mrs. Kirby delivered her first smack. She then sniffed him extensively, while Dr. Smudge was purring in retaliation. He then turned to the back dispenser and ignored Mrs. Kirby, who smacked him again. Now, a Chinese song was overheard, and the two paused for intermission. Finally, Dr. Smudge accepted defeat and left at 12:02 PM.
  • February 24, 2025 (3rd visit): Dr. Smudge returned to the feeder at 12:06 PM for lunch after he got kicked by Mrs. Kirby, while Ms. Texas was sitting outside. He then sensed the presence of Mr. Beef and growled, but he continued eating. At 12:10 PM, he stopped eating and telepathically delivered his request for snacks. To assert his point, he even looked up to the top camera. At 12:13 PM, Ms. Inception was seen waiting outside. Suddenly, the food dropped a lot, but Dr. Smudge left for some reason, giving space for Ms. Texas.
  • February 24, 2025 (4th visit): Dr. Smudge scared off an orange cat to have a snack at 8:38PM LFT. at 8:51, Mr. Beef showed up and he fiercely defended his position camping the empty feeder. Surprising everyone, Mr. Beef left, seeing the Doctor’s power.
  • February 25, 2025: Dr. Smudge was seen at 9:48 PM (LFT). This was not his first sighting today. Earlier today, he was smacked by Mrs. Kirby again, who sniffed him after doing so. Dr. Smudge was now showing some responsibilities over leftover food, eating it all rather than waiting and scamming the viewers. He left at 9:51 PM.
  • February 27, 2025: Dr. Smudge was seen at 4:14 AM (LFT), practicing his causal begging technique. He stared deeply into the camera, loaved, sat, look up, ate the back feeder, expanded his pleading eyes, and trying to be a good boy, but no one was there. He almost left at 4:26 AM, when he decided to keep staying until he gave up at 4:49 AM.
  • (Not every cat sighting is documented.)
    (LFT = "Local Feeder Time")


    Fight of April 27th

     List of feeders and cats from Happy Canteen

    Brother ValentineDr. SmudgeGoobertLil Ms. ScallywagLil PukeLittle Bean SproutLittle Scraggly Guy
    Mr. AdidasMs. AirplaneMs. AngelMr. AnxietyMr. BaldMr. BeanMr. BeefMs. Beetle
    Ms. BurntMr. ButterMs. CamoMs. CarpetMs. CharlieMs. ChessMr. Chicken
    Mrs. ChunkyMr. Cool CucumberMr. CreamMs. CroissantMr. CrumbMr. Crunch
    Mr. DoomMr. DotMr. EggMr. FatMs. FluffMr. FreshMr. GentlemanMr. Halo
    Mr. HonkMs. InceptionMr. InsatiableMrs. IslandMx. JanitorMs. KibbleMrs. Kirby
    Ms. LagMs. LoopMr. LungMs. MidnightMr. MinerMr. MonochromeMr. Nervous
    Mr. NormalMr. OneMs. PaintMr. PatchMr. PissMr. PlumpMs. Pretty
    Mrs. PrincessMr. PukeMr. RevMr. RibbonMs. RustMs. SadMs. Sleepy
    Mr. SnifflesMr. SnoobMr. SusMs. TakeoutMs. Texas
    Mr. VoidMs. WarnMr. WishboneMr. WrathThe Gluttonous Beast


    5A Scenic Cat AreaA Litter of Cats Who Love Each OtherAbandoned AngelAll You Can Eat Buffet
    Auspicious RestaurantBaldie Carrot, the Cats' ProtectorBlessings Be With YouBig Man's Cat Houses
    Brother Fresh's Last DayBrother Fresh’s Exclusive Castle CatMojoCat House of Compassion in HeQing Town
    Cat House of Compassion in HeQing TownCat Paradise 1Cats Who Love to Eat
    Eat and Drink Without Worries ~ Happy Meow Island ⌯'ㅅ'⌯Eat Enough Every DayGagaxuan Canteen
    GOODCATGuangzhou Lucky HouseGUCCIGuitar Cat & Robot CatHappy Canteen
    Happy Canteen No.2Happy Cat House No.2Hi MeowHouse of Compassion by the Strait
    Huanzi Animal Rescue Base 1John's CanteenJOJO Miaomiaowu
    Kitty CornerLi XiaoMen's Feeder for Orange CatsLittle Sun Party
    Little Wanderer’s ParadiseLucky 7-Eleven ⅡLucky Meow Bobo Room Feeder
    MaoMao's Streetcat House of LoveMeow Meow Rub RubMeow Meow's Whine HouseMeow Wind Chime House
    No Hungry Cats Left BehindOrange Cat KindergartenSanjing Brand Cat ClubSnowball Cat StationSoaring Cat
    Team BingBing Helps Stray Cats Find Their Forever HomeTuxedo and Tabby SquadTechnological Cat House
    Ten Thousand Kitties HouseThe SanWei Bookstore's Kitty Canteen
    There's Too Much... Too Much To Finish CompletelyWarm Home Pet Sales Department
    Woohoo Big Face Baga MeowXizi MaydayYishan Stray Cat BaseYouZi's Animal CanteenZz Kitten House

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