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Mr. Monochrome

Mr. Monochrome peeking into the feeder<3
Other name(s) Mr. Scared
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Coat Black (brown) Mackerel Tabby
Sex Confirmed Male
Rarity Legendary
Occupation Being monochrome
Appearance Brown tabby
Eye Color Yellow
Personality Acts similarly to Mr. Fresh, but scared of the food dispenser
First known sighting February 24th, 2024

Mr. Monochrome is a very uncommon visitor at Happy Canteen. His name comes from his monochrome color palette.


Mr. Monochrome seems to behave a lot like Mr. Fresh, though he is known to be frightened by the sounds of the feeder, known for jumping back or glaring at the feeder with his orb-like eyes as it makes noise. After the noise stops, he goes right back to eating. Dedication is key, kids.


Mr. Monochrome is a brown mackerel tabby with a very monochrome look, from which he got his name. He has a sweet little face, and noticeable tomcat cheeks. He has yellow eyes, and that's basically it. There are no real defining traits that make Mr. Monochrome different than your average Happy Canteen tabby. He is easily confused with other brown mackerel tabbies.

Mr. Monochrome from above


February 2024

  • February 24, 2024: Mr. Monochrome's first known sighting.

March 2024

  • March 16, 2024: Mr. Monochrome visited the feeder, devouring kibbles for almost 5 minutes straight.

August 2024

  • August 15, 2024: Mr. Monochrome appeared at the feeder before midnight, ate kibbles for around 5 minutes then teleported out.

February 2025

  • February 5th, 2025: At 2:52 AM (LFT), Mr. Monochrome (?) was seen feasting in the back wall of the feeder. He left at 2:54 AM (LFT), after enjoying his little snack.

(Not every cat sighting is documented.)
(LFT = "Local Feeder Time")


 List of feeders and cats from Happy Canteen

Brother ValentineDr. SmudgeGoobertLil Ms. ScallywagLil PukeLittle Bean SproutLittle Scraggly Guy
Mr. AdidasMs. AirplaneMs. AngelMr. AnxietyMr. BaldMr. BeanMr. BeefMs. Beetle
Ms. BurntMr. ButterMs. CamoMs. CarpetMs. CharlieMs. ChessMr. Chicken
Mrs. ChunkyMr. Cool CucumberMr. CreamMs. CroissantMr. CrumbMr. Crunch
Mr. DoomMr. DotMr. EggMr. FatMs. FluffMr. FreshMr. GentlemanMr. Halo
Mr. HonkMs. InceptionMr. InsatiableMrs. IslandMx. JanitorMs. KibbleMrs. Kirby
Ms. LagMs. LoopMr. LungMs. MidnightMr. MinerMr. MonochromeMr. Nervous
Mr. NormalMr. OneMs. PaintMr. PatchMr. PissMr. PlumpMs. Pretty
Mrs. PrincessMr. PukeMr. RevMr. RibbonMs. RustMs. SadMs. Sleepy
Mr. SnifflesMr. SnoobMr. SusMs. TakeoutMs. Texas
Mr. VoidMs. WarnMr. WishboneMr. WrathThe Gluttonous Beast


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